Animal Companionship
Volunteers can work with dogs, cats and rabbits. Volunteer companions help keep our animals healthy both physically and mentally. By spending time with these companion pets, you’re providing invaluable socialization that helps prepare them for their new fur-ever home. RCHS Animal Companions may spend time playing, grooming, cleaning, training and for canines, walking the animal.
No specific skills are required, but prior experience with animals is helpful. All Animal Companion volunteers must commit to coming in once a week for at least six months.
Email volunteer@sdpets.org to start the process.
Special Events and Media Team
These volunteers help us with our community outreach activities. This can mean transporting an animal for a television appearance or special event. In addition, we always need support when it comes to selling tickets, distributing flyers and staffing fundraisers that help us bring in critical funds to support RCHS.
- Complete a volunteer application and review/sign essential capabilities document (pdf downloads)
- Attend a volunteer orientation, required of all new RCHS volunteers regardless of prior experience.
- Complete at least one on-the-job training shift with a volunteer mentor.
- Start volunteering!
For more information, email volunteer@sdpets.org
Note: Volunteers must be 18-years old. Community service hours are approved on a case-by-case basis.
Group Volunteering
- Shelter/Thrift Shop Give Back Day. Volunteer groups spend time helping at both our Thrift Shop (TS) and Shelter facility. Volunteers will also get a VIP shelter tour, and have time to spend with the animals. (5 people max for shelter and 10 people max for TS)
- Animal Influencer. Following a VIP shelter tour, volunteers will learn about some of our special needs cases, campaigns and special events. Volunteers will then take on an “influencer” role and work hand-in-paw with social media and promotional efforts to get the word out.
- Special Fundraiser Events. Volunteer groups can customize their own fundraiser to support Rancho Coastal Humane Society and its many programs and services. This can include: bake sales, collection drives, car washes, pet food drives, etc. We’ll work with you to come up with the best option for your group.
Got an idea for your group, or want more information? Contact volunteer@sdpets.org

Pet Assisted Therapy
If you think your pet has what it takes to be a therapy animal, visit our Pet Assisted Therapy page for more details.
Foster Care Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Foster Care page for more details.
Thrift Shop
Rancho Coastal Humane Society has one of the top rated thrift stores in the country. Visit the Thrift Shop page for more details on volunteering at the shop.
Volunteer Opportunities for Kids and Teens
Learn more about our Kids Community Service program by visiting our Youth Programs page.