Rancho Coastal Humane Society Board Members

(Left to Right) Jerry Cesak, Lori Ello, Chris Baker, Susan Howell Mallory, Judi Sanzo, Karyn Williams, Jerry Cesak, Áine Shivnan, Samantha Pate, D. Lindsey Burroughs, Ron Coughlin
Members Affiliation
Susan Howell Mallory, Chair Retired Executive, Global Wealthy Mgmt.
Áine Shivnan, Treasurer Program Manager, Qualcomm
Chris Baker, Secretary Retired Executive, Bob Baker Auto Group
David Bergen Business & Technology Executive
D. Lindsey Burroughs Retired Executive, Telecommunications
Jerry Cesak Retired Radio Personality
Ron Coughlin Retired Executive, Petco Animal Supplies, Inc.
Lori Ello Executive, Local Media San Diego
Nancy Heitel Malk Animal Welfare Professional
Samantha Pate Director of Strategic Planning, Sempra
Karyn Williams Principal, Hightree Advisors