Help Expand Programs that Inspire and Strengthen the Human-Animal Bond
Every year for more than twenty years, hundreds of children and teenagers participate in Humane Education programs at Rancho Coastal Humane Society (RCHS). Designed to teach respect, compassion and kindness for ALL living beings, these programs include Animal Camps, Kids Community Service, Happy Tales, presentations and behind-the-scenes tours.
Sadly, with every session, some young people are turned away. RCHS simply does not have enough space to meet the demand of our growing population. You can help change this by supporting the construction of a new Learning Center with nearly six times the capacity! Not only will the new Center accommodate more children and teenagers, but also this facility will become an invaluable civic and community resource for learning.
“Thanks for a great camp! My daughter loves this camp and loves the variety of activities
you present. She loved working with the animal food bank, meeting as many animals
as she could… she can’t wait to return for camp or as a volunteer when she is older.”
-Animal Camp Parent
Vivian’s Learning Center
990 Square Feet
- Capacity 45
- One room – turning kids and teens away from programs
- No running water, no restrooms
- One small office, no storage space
- Not enough room for staff, volunteer or
community meetings - Basic video monitor and white board
2,836 Square Feet
- Capacity 264
- Two separate classrooms that can be opened into one large classroom or meeting space – no more turning anyone away from education programs
- Indoor plumbing! Two restrooms and a small kitchen
- Storage space, conference room, lobby/reception area and teacher’s office
- Spacious enough for staff, volunteers and community gatherings – Potential source of revenue as a community rental for RCHS mission-aligned events
- State-of-the-art audio and video systems, wifi and network connections
With nearly 3,000 square feet, two multipurpose classrooms that can be converted into one large meeting space, Vivian’s Learning Center at RCHS will be a beacon in San Diego’s North County.
“A new Learning Center will showcase RCHS’s leadership in addressing issues of animal welfare, pet ownership, co-existence with local wildlife, and more. The ability to bring staff and volunteers together in one place is critical to our success. This community has long needed a facility that will accommodate civic and social gatherings.”
-Judi Sanzo, President & CEO
Your investment in learning will make a difference in the lives of children, families and your neighbors for years to come. Consider dedicating a part of the new Learning Center in your family, company or loved one’s name. There are a variety of naming opportunities available.
For more information, contact:
Judi Sanzo, President and CEO
Mobile: 619.742.5233
Phone: 760.753.6413
Thank you for your consideration!