Celebration of Second Chances

Start time 2025-03-15 17:00
Finished Time 2025-03-15 21:00
Address Del Mar Country Club: 6001 Clubhouse Dr, Del Mar, CA 92014

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Del Mar Country Club

5:oo PM

What does a fantastic night out with good friends, fine food, inspirational guests, music, and splurge-worthy auction items have to do with saving a dog or cat’s life, feeding an adoptable rabbit, supporting a pet parent with veterinary care, or providing a safety net for the pets of those in crisis? Everything! By attending, you directly support these vital programs. 

The Tails & Tulips Gala is our signature event of the year. We will be returning to the exclusive and prestigious Del Mar Country Club for an unforgettable evening. You won’t want to miss it! 

Your hosts for the night will be Jeff Zevely of KFMB’s The Zevely Zone and his wife, Heather Zevely, a former KFMB reporter and now a registered nurse.