Fetch – Upcoming Events Jan-Feb 2019
UPCOMING Events and Activities:
Train your Dog Month
Walk your Pet Month
24: Talk like a grizzled prospector Day. This has absolutely nothing to do with
animals. We just thought it sounded like fun.
26-27: “Insight Oceanside” tattoo shop donating 100% of proceeds from
walk-in customers to RCHS.
Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month. Visit the RCHS Rabbitat.
Spay / Neuter Awareness Month
1: Don’t miss RCHS puppies on the Puppy Bowl on the Fox 5 Morning News.
1: Groundhog Day. Because Groundhogs need love, too.
1: Pet Food Bank open 9 – 11 AM
3: Super Bowl 53. Come to RCHS to adopt your new “Player.”
10-16: National Secondhand Wardrobe Week. Visit the RCHS Thrift Shop.
11: Satisfied Staying Single Day (Get a pet!)
12: Lincoln’s Birthday. We cannot tell a lie. We’ll be open.
13: Desperation Day. The day before Valentine’s Day.
14: Valentine’s Day (Singles Awareness Day.)
16: Pet Food Bank open 9 – 11 AM
18: Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Not pet related. We just like it.
18: National Drink Wine Day. Same as the Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.
18: Presidents Day. Of course we’ll be open.
20: Love your Dog Day / Love your Pet Day
22: George Washington’s Birthday. George says we’ll be open on his birthday.
22: National Wildlife Day. The perfect day to learn more about the SD Wildlife Center!
23: National Dog Biscuit Day
26: Zandra Rhodes “Wiggles and Waggles” Fashion Show Luncheon
benefitting RCHS at the Del Mar Country Club
26: Spay Day USA
Join us on March 9th for the “Baby Shower” at the San Diego Wildlife Center!