Spring is Blooming. Make sure your garden is pet safe.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Spring around Rancho Coastal Humane Society, thanks to Master Gardener Kate Lister, MiraCosta College landscape architect program graduate Robert Bennett, and a local church group of 8 adults and 2 kids. They spread two loads of mulch, planted the concrete block wall with ice-plant which will cover it in 6 months, painted a couple dozen fence boards, trimmed several trees and a giant vine, planted a couple of new vines, cut and replanted several giant agaves, and trimmed back an 8’ tall and 30’ long hyacinth. Many hands make light work in creating a lovely garden near our gazebo.
When you roll up your sleeves and open that bag of soil, remember to keep your garden pet safe. Check with your veterinarian for resources on planting a pet safe garden. Some plants and flowers can be harmful to pets. Here’s a quick list from the ASPCA on plants and flowers to avoid or keep away from places where your pet plays:
Asiatic Lily
Day Lily
Easter Lily
Tiger Lily
Crocus (spring and fall)
Daffodils (the bulb is the most toxic)
Hyacinth (the bulb is most toxic)
Sago Palm