What’s Up at The Thrift Shop?

If we were going to give them one of those modern names, we might call them “Shoppies.” They’re the people dedicated to your Rancho Coastal Humane Society Thrift Shop.
When COVID-19 forced the temporary closure in March, it took a financial toll on the shelter and an emotional toll on our volunteers, donors, and shoppers. Every day they showed up to look through the windows. They’d tap the door and ask to if they could come in “just for a couple minutes.”
On June 15, exactly 90 days after the closure, there were customers lined up on 6ft tape lines – waiting for the reopening. The first sale took place within minutes. The “soft” opening gave our Shoppies a sneak peek and gave the staff and volunteers a chance to familiarize themselves with the new layout and cleaning protocols.
The official “Grand Re-Opening” was held on Monday, June 29th with special summer hours of 9 AM to 5 PM every day. The Encinitas Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting, Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear attended, and Congressman Mike Levin was represented by one of our Shoppies. There were proclamations and lots of smiles under our face masks.
RCHS President Judi Sanzo says there are plenty of reasons why the re-opening has been so successful. “First and foremost, people missed the Thrift Shop! They had been cooped up and the Thrift Shop was their first safe outing. The Thrift Shop has been a normal part of their lives for years or even decades. We all need a bit of normal right now.”
During the closure we got messages from people who had been cleaning closets, garages, and store rooms. They wanted to know when they could donate the items they no longer needed. Our Thrift Shop Manager, Dave Urban said, “We are ready now! The money raised at the RCHS Thrift Shop helps pets and people when they need it most.”
If you have items to donate, you can drop them off at the Thrift Shop at 120 Aberdeen Drive in Cardiff by the Sea or call 760-753-0970 to arrange for pick up. Be sure to “Like” Rancho Coastal Humane Society Thrift Shop on Facebook.
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