President’s Letter – June 2022
Dear RCHS Friends and Family,
Ringo Starr, often called “The Forgotten Beatle,” was afflicted by life-threatening illnesses during childhood, with periods of prolonged hospitalization.
Ringo, a 6-year-old Chihuahua, was very sick, just like his namesake. His pet parents were unable to pay the extraordinary fees required to diagnose his condition. She turned to our Vet Care for Seniors Program, hoping we could help. We issued a grant to cover the diagnostic procedures. He was being screened for pancreatitis. It was discovered that he was suffering an intestinal blockage. Urgent surgery – estimated at more than $3,000 – was required to save his life.
That’s what we do here – save lives of companion animals! Seniors on limited income have turned to RCHS more than 100 times in the past 18 months. Ringo was going to get the surgery he needed. Surgery was a success, and Ringo is happy, healthy and at home with his family.
You might think that is the end of this story, but it is not. On May 20, 2022, an envelope arrived from Charles Town, West Virginia. Enclosed is a check, with a letter that says:
“I’m sending you this. . .check because you recently helped my friend. . . with her dog Ringo and paid for the surgery he needed. This is to thank you for that. I know that [my friend] and her husband were very appreciative of your help when they needed it. Please use this money to help out a future client…”
All of which put me to mind of a Beatles classic, sung by Ringo Star: “Lend me your ear and I’ll sing you a song, And I’ll try not to sing out of key, Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends…”
Your Friend-in-Deed,