Pet Adoption – Sometimes Happy Endings Take a Little Bit Longer
You never give up on us. We never give up on the animals. Jicama is a perfect example.
Jicama was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society (RCHS) through our FOCAS (Friends of County Animal Shelters) program on December 23, 2020. We hoped this young Border Collie mix would begin 2021 in her forever home. She was adopted, but returned for being more active than her adopter wanted. COVID extended her shelter stay.
Jicama finally won the adoption lottery on May 7, 2022, exactly 500 days after her arrival. It was perfect. Here’s part of a letter from her adopters.
“Jicama discovered the shady side of our macadamia nut tree, removed the leaves off of the ground to find the cool dirt, and fell asleep about 1-1/2 hours into her first day with us in her new home. A bit later she fell asleep on the patio as she watched me barbequing chicken…it has been a perfect day with a perfect dog.
I must say, the staff at RCHS is top notch. They gave that dog so much love and care and concern, and the staff members are kind, patient, they listen, they have experience and knowledge beyond what you might have imagined. Do not underestimate the quality of this staff to help you find the right soul mate for you. They did for us. Their process works!
Special thank you to Jack and Libby who gave us all of the time we needed to make our decision. Also, a special thanks to Cathy Bissell (Bissell Pet Foundation for funding “Empty the Shelters”) She has heart for animals and puts her money where her heart is.”
The best part of being a RCHS volunteer or staff member is watching pets leave the shelter to begin the lives they nearly missed. The last words adopters usually hear from us are, “Stay in touch! Let us know how it’s going!” Well, Jicama’s adopters certainly did that!
Thank you for supporting RCHS where Every Animal Deserves a Tomorrow®. Even if it takes 500 days.
Watch Her Going Home Video Here >>>