Rescue. Care. Hope. SAFETY.

“Safe” and “House” Should Mean the Same Thing
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. For the animal victims of domestic violence, the Animal Safehouse Program (ASP) is their safety net. Pets left behind in these volatile situations sometimes become the new victims. Rather than allow their pets to become a target of violence, sometimes human victims stay, further endangering them all.
Since 1997, Rancho Coastal Humane Society’s ASP has been working with police, social services, friends, and families to provide a solution. Once victims know that their pets will be safe, they can escape, along with their children if they have them, and (in some cases) with their lives. ASP offers resources and guidance on a planned exit to safety.
ASP pets receive up to 90 days of emergency boarding. They receive comfort, care and have any medical or dental needs met. There is never a charge to the ASP client. ASP provides sanctuary for the pet while its owner gets safe through community support. The goal is reunification, and more than 80% of ASP clients are reunited with their pets. When owner reclaim is not possible, an ASP pet enters our Adoption Program. With the owner’s consent, RCHS will find a new safe, forever home for a beloved pet.
Abusers can be husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, children, and roommates. It can happen to anyone. Statistics show the correlation between domestic violence and animal abuse, and ASP is breaking the link. The words ‘Safe’ and ‘House’ should have the same meaning. Your donations help RCHS take care of these special pets and their families.
In recent years, ASP has expanded to help military families, veterans, seniors, people in need of medical care, the homeless and families in crisis who just need temporary care for their pets
For more information about supporting the Animal Safehouse Program created by Rancho Coastal Humane Society, visit or call 760-753-6413.