When We Say We’re Painting Rabbits….We Don’t Mean We’re Painting Rabbits
If you weren’t in the loop at Rancho Coastal Humane Society, you might be shocked to hear, “Who’s that guy painting rabbits at the Rabbitat?”
Let’s start from the beginning. RCHS President Judi Sanzo tells us, “I worked closely with Zeben Gorman, who was recommended through San Diego House Rabbit Society. Our wonderful Bunny Volunteer, Sarah Sedgwick, made the introduction.” Zeben isn’t painting on the rabbits. He’s painting beautiful murals of rabbits!
You might remember when the Rabbitat was a concrete block building until we got a grant to make improvements. The difference was amazing, but we needed to do more to allow rabbits to catch the attention of visitors who often came to look at the dogs!
Zeben presented us with a mock-up that we loved, and Maintenance Superintendent Matt Gentile went to work prepping the area so Zeben had a “clean canvas” to work on.
The door was painted and large, colorful rabbits were sketched and painted inside and a rural scene edges the outside of the rabbitat. Even viewers who see our RCHS rabbits on Big Brother’s CBS All Access have commented on how great it looks! Matt added his touch, painting the rabbit statues to match the bunnies who frollick in the outdoor mural. Check out the photos of Zeben’s work. We’re sure you’ll love it as much as we do.
What’s next? Zeben is working on a mural that will appear above the South dog kennels. We can’t wait to see what he has in mind, but we’re sure it will make our tails wag.
Thank you to Zeben Gorman, and thanks to you for supporting Rancho Coastal Humane Society where Every Animal Deserves a Tomorrow®.