She’s Come so Far in so Many Ways
Now Nina needs our help just one more time.
You probably saw the puppy, Nina, on the Fox 5 Morning News in April. This sweet, Shepherd mix puppy had been rescued from the streets in Sonora, Mexico and brought to a sanctuary. For possibly the first time in her young life, she had a roof over her head, a bed to sleep on, food in her bowl, and water from a dish instead of a puddle.
Now Nina needs our help to leap the last hurdle into her new life.
After a 17-hour trip that brought them to Rancho Coastal Humane Society, Nina and the other Sonora dogs got initial examinations. The next day they had more extensive exams that included vaccinations, spay or neuter, and microchips. It soon became obvious that Nina needed our help.
Tests reveal that Nina has a diseased hip and she needs surgery. As former RCHS staff member Jessica Stergos, now a RVT at Veterinary Specialty Hospital, explains, “FHO – Femoral Head Ostectomy restores pain-free mobility in a diseased hip. In Nina’s case, this is a bilateral procedure because both hips are affected.”
Here’s where we are now with Nina, and here’s why we need your help.
RCHS President Judi Sanzo says, “The bill for Nina’s surgery, pain medication and follow-up care will run close to $4,000. That does not account for the costs already incurred to diagnose her condition and manage her pain. By incurring this extraordinary expense to care for Nina, we are putting a strain on the medical budget to care for newly-arriving pets. Particularly during this time of year with kittens and puppies arriving every week, we can’t let that happen. We need your help, and we need it now.”
We’re taking a leap of faith. Nina is scheduled to have surgery as soon as June 14th and we are lining up foster volunteers for her recovery.
Please help by making a donation to RCHS’s Medical Fund to help dogs like Nina transition in our care from abandoned to adoptable!
We mean it when we say that Every Animal Deserves a Tomorrow® at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. Nina’s tomorrow will be brighter, thanks to you!