Some of the Things that Don’t Make it onto the Wish List.
Animal lovers who check out your Rancho Coastal Humane Society’s Wish List every month are accustomed to seeing the items we need all the time. This includes, towels and blankets, cat, dog and rabbit supplies, pet beds, office supplies, puppy and kitten toys, etc.
This month we asked the staff for ideas about things that will probably never, ever make their way onto the Wish List.
- A soft serve ice cream machine. (How fun would that be?)
- A go-kart to drive around the shelter and get the mail.
- The Harry Potter Series. (Both books and CDs.)
- An automatic tennis ball thrower for the dog play yards.
- A hover craft. (No reason. Just for the heck of it.)
- A herd of goats to eat the grass. (That’s pretty smart.)
- Tickets to see “Hamilton.” (Hey. Why not? It’s a Wish List!)
- A skybox to see the Chicago Cubs play the San Diego Padres.
- The Chargers moving back to San Diego. (Okay. Now we’re getting silly.)
As you can see, all of our wishes don’t make their way onto the list.
But the items that are on the list are things that help the animals and people we serve here at the shelter, at our San Diego Wildlife Center, through the Community Pet Food Bank, on Pet Assisted Therapy visits, in our Humane Education program, and through our Animal Safehouse Program.
Please take a minute to scan the list and see if there’s anything we need that you can donate or purchase to help your Rancho Coastal Humane Society, where Every Animal Deserves a Tomorrow®.